What's Up with the Army?!

I've been asking myself this question for too long, and I can't find an answer. They say they're on our side, and that our demands are legitimate and then they do nothing of them. We chant that the army and the people are one, but they're not showing that we are. I don't want to lose trust in the army, I don't want us to fight together, I want us to stay united. Not because the army is perfect, but because it's always good to have them on our side, even if not completely on our side. Because dividing us has always been the regime's and the state security's main aim. Because we always want more friends than enemies. But this doesn't not mean that we let them do whatever they want. It does not mean that we make them forget that this is our revolution and they're in power to bring us our demands. Being in power doesn't mean that we should listen to them, they're the ones who should listen to us. 

If the political game is too hard for the amry then they should ask for help and make a presidential council, and actually this would make everyone more comfortable. If the regime and the caretaker cabinet are too strong for them, then they should let us protest and help them sack them. If they plan to meet our demands, but are too slow then they should give us a time schedule. If they're on the regime's side, then they really should stop lying, because people have put their trust in them and they really should show that they're worthy of this trust or just say that they are not. Again, I don't want to accuse the army of anything, but they're really not helping me with that. I really don't understand what's up with them, but I'm hoping that we always stay united. There are too many questions for them to answer though:

  1. Why did they turn violent on the revolutionaries on Friday night, then apologized?
  2. Why aren't they sacking the cabinet or giving us a time schedule?
  3. Why are there some detainees in prison?
  4. Why is the state security still working?
  5. Why haven't they changed the the party laws?
  6. Why do they refuse the help of a civilian council?
  7. When will the police do their job?
  8. Why is the NDP still in power?
  9. Why does the constitutional amendements have complications that will cause us to have a president for six months until we write the new constitution?
Whatever the answers to these questions are, our job is to protest until we get answers or reach our aim. And for these reasons, we should all go to Tahrir, and all squares all over Egypt and protest. Protest, not celebrate, we have to show them that we're serious and we're angry. We need to chant, and chant together, when a million chant together, they move the whole city, this shows our power. We brought down Mubarak, and we can bring down the rest of the regime without anyone's help. That's why we all should be protesting this Friday.


  1. I've also been thinking about this a lot, so let me think out loud here.
    The reason the army + the PM are working so persistently in one direction has to be either carrot or stick. Supposedly there's no stick. Now that Mubarak is gone there doesn't seem to be any entity powerful enough to put pressure on the army. Sure former officials would like to protect their interests and derail the revolt, but do they have the power to command the army? Of course not.
    As to the carrot, I think there isn't enough temptation for Shafiq or the army to stand in the way of this revolt. If they submit to the will of the people they get eternal glory =) But if they persist in their positions what's the use, if they're all going in months anyway?
    A third possibility is that the army *wants* the old corrupt regime to continue, which is improbable I hope.
    A fourth possibility is that Shafiq is staying to clean up after ex-officials, to protect those the army has promised, or wishes, to protect. If this is the case then it's not so bad.
    But maybe we're missing something. Maybe there's still a stick. An invisible one. Can't help but think that the ministers of interior, exterior and petrol are responsible for the most of our relationship with Israel. Perhaps there's some sort of Israeli pressure on (or a prior agreement with) the army, to guide this movement to a new place that is good for Israel. What do you think?

  2. I think probability that Shafiq has stayed for so long to clean up is really high. The army officials might need to clean up for themselves too, so maybe the plan was to give the cabinet the chance to clean up everything. But I don't see this as not so bad at all, this would only mean that we won't get our money back,which is as important as everything else.

    The fourth possibility might be true too, we'll know if it is when we see what happens in the new cabinet. If the ministers of interior, exterior and petrol are only new faces, but from the same school then there's definitely a foreign stick giving the army orders.

    I don't want to sound pessimistic, but I feel that these three ministries will only have a change of faces, especially the ministry of exterior. Hoping for the best, Rabena yostor


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